Elevate with

Art Alchemy:

Awaken Your Authentic Self creatively &
Transform Pain to Power in Art and Life!


Maria-Katharina Richters

Humanistic Creative Coaching, Consciousness Mindset Mentoring & Art Therapist for Artists & creatives

‘The Awakened Artist & Art Alchemist’


ICF ACC cert. Coach,

certified Art Therapist

Mindvalley Business Coach

Coach Mentor & –  cert. Coaching Supervisor

Harnessing your Creativity through the Laws of the Universe

Unlocking Creativity and Positive Change Through Kabbalah Introduction:   Life's Challenges: A Path to Overcoming Overwhelm and Disconnection In the midst of life's challenges, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the greater mysteries of the...

The Power of Art Alchemy: Transforming Lives Through Creative Healing

The Power of Art Alchemy: Transforming Lives Through Creative Healing Introduction In a world that often seems fast-paced, overwhelming, and full of challenges, the search for holistic healing methods has become more crucial than ever. One emerging and remarkable...

Unlocking the Creative Potential: The Power of ICF ACC Coaching for Artists’ Transformation

Introduction The world of art is a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Artists, in their pursuit of self-expression and innovation, often embark on a journey filled with highs and lows, self-doubt, and the constant quest for growth. In this challenging landscape,...

My Mission: Art, Alchemy, Business, and Transformation

Welcome to a world of creative transformation, where art becomes a powerful catalyst for change!

I’m Maria-Katharina Richters, your guide on a profound journey of self-discovery and artistic expression. This is a place where artists and individuals alike can unlock their boundless potential and alchemize their pain into purpose.

At the core of our mission is the belief that your art has the transformative power to heal, inspire, and illuminate. Through Art Alchemy, we help you harness the energy of your past experiences, transmute traumas, and unveil your true self. We’re here to help you not only create a living with your art but also to heal your past, understand your purpose, and nurture the relationships that matter most.

Our passion for creativity is further explored in the “Born to Create Podcast,” where I engage in intimate conversations with artists who’ve harnessed their creativity to navigate life’s complexities. Discover their inspiring stories, and learn how creativity has been a guiding force in their lives.

For those of you ready to embark on a profound journey of transformation, there’s our signature program, “Metamorphosis.” It’s the all-encompassing transformational program where art meets business and completely redefines your life. With a unique blend of art alchemy, coaching, and business consultation, we empower you to align your business with the consciousness of today. Metamorphosis is about serving the world by combining the wisdom of the universe with building a purpose-driven business.

Join me in this transformative world of artistic alchemy. Your creative awakening begins here, and together, we’ll paint a future filled with purpose and inspiration. Embrace your creativity, heal your soul, and unlock your potential. Let’s create a life that’s truly a masterpiece.

Maria-Katharina Richters – Awakening Artistry, Transforming Lives, and Empowering Businesses for a Conscious World.


Here’s a curated selection of products that serve two essential purposes:

  1. Short-Term, Targeted Problem Solving: Whether you have a specific challenge in mind or you’re seeking a swift solution, these products are designed to provide effective, focused support.

  2. Low-Cost Support: We understand the importance of making quality resources accessible. Our products offer cost-effective solutions for your artistic and personal growth journey.”

Reveal the Art of You!

Self actualization is the oxygen for the soul.”. Brian Johnson

“The Creation and revelation of your Art is synonymous to the process of Breathing”

Maria-Katharina Richters

Unlock Your Full Potential Through Self-Actualization

Picture this: the sensation of being deprived of oxygen. It’s far from pleasant, right? Now, consider the parallel between this discomfort and the suffering our souls endure when deprived of their life force—self-actualization. Just as oxygen sustains the body, self-actualization nourishes the soul, alleviating the pains and aches in our lives.

In my work, I passionately believe that the solutions to life’s challenges and the pursuit of dreams lie within each individual’s capacity to self-actualize. Your soul finds its voice through your unique artistic expression. Your art is not only your wisest teacher but also your ultimate tool for self-actualization.

Many people in the world suppress their most authentic selves—their souls. Consequently, they remain on a perpetual journey of self-repression, failing to embrace their values, needs, and desires, and often neglecting their true voices and actions.

Your art is an invaluable gift, serving as the catalyst, conduit, and instrument for self-actualization. Unfortunately, it’s often perceived as elusive or even unnecessary, dismissed as merely a hobby or an unaffordable luxury.

As a result, instead of drawing upon their innate ability to self-actualize, individuals frequently seek external validation, engaging in self-deprecation, blame-shifting, and comparison. They feel powerless, encroaching on boundaries, grappling with invisibility, rejection fears, self-doubt, financial stress, relationship turmoil, and emotional burdens.

The unconscious suppression and outward focus prevent most people from realizing the profound impact of not expressing their truths and engaging with their art. This robs them of opportunities, courage, confidence, a healthy self-image, trust in themselves and the universe, inner serenity, financial stability, fulfilling relationships, and successful careers.

This is why self-actualization, akin to the oxygen we need to live, is essential for the soul to thrive rather than merely survive. It’s the ongoing journey of becoming the purest, most authentic version of yourself, embracing your talents, interests, and curiosities. This is true freedom—the realization of your full potential.


Are you ready to live powerfully?


I’m Maria

I awaken your inner artist, helping you transform pain into purpose and unlocking your creative power. Together, we create art that excites you, free from pressure, nurturing your artistic journey to help you become the artist you were born to be, allowing you to live the life you love.

What are you looking for?

 Art Therapy



Art Therapy can help you process recurring and burdening emotions, embark on a healing & grieving process, resolve pain & old Trauma, relieve stress and anxiety.

Artist & Creative Coaching


The most effective way to achieve your Artistic, Life & Career Goals, manifest your Vision & Create an authentic to you life is through Art Alchemy Coaching.


Read more

Coaching serves you by providing you with accountability, action taking and meaningful progress through confident decision making revealed through the process.

 Art Alchemy



Art Alchemy utilizes the creative power of art to assist with self-discovery, healing, relationship improvement, dream interpretation, and breaking free from toxic patterns. It’s a unique approach that empowers you to explore, heal, and grow using the language of art and creativity.

Coaching Supervision



If you are a certified coach and are looking to deepen, develop and own the coaching skills you have learnt, while bringing your authentic self into the space, Coaching Supervision is made for exactly that.





 If you are here to check out my Art, click on the link below to be taken to the page where my Art is displayed.



When I found Maria I had already started my transformational journey. I had quit my job 6 months before, had been doing more fitness and was taking time out to really figure out what I wanted to do with my life. My husband and I couldn’t have children and for several years I felt incredibly lost and sad and then my job didn’t fulfill me anymore and I was sinking into a dark place wondering where my life was headed. Then I made a decision that has changed my life. I decided I wanted to become a life coach but felt I didn’t have the courage or belief that I could do it. My self-confidence was at an all time low. I approached Maria via a referral and having met for a coffee I felt that she could definitely help me along the next part of my journey. I wanted to be able to handle my fear and irrational anxiety and the belief I wasn’t good enough. The truth was I needed Maria’s help to help me take the steps towards a more fulfilling life and to feel alive again. We had an amazing journey together. I will never forget my coaching experience with Maria and I can’t imagine ever having another coach. After 10 sessions together I now have started my Transformational Coach course and have 6 clients of my own to practice on and have experienced being observed by my peers and supervisor. Something I could not have done 6 months ago!! Thank you Maria!! I will cherish our coaching journey forever!

Melanie Stahl, Transformational Coach, Hamburg

Working with Maria has been an experience of real growth for me. When I started working with Maria I wanted to get myself to the stage of selling my Art, I wanted to better understand how to approach commercialising my Art in a way that was true to me. During our weekly calls, she gave me lots of insights into different approaches I could take to selling my Art. As part of this, she gave me access to her online course which is full of knowledge and insight. She also helped me develop my confidence as an artist as well as creating structures for approaching selling my works. As a result of working with Maria, I am now close to finishing the first body of work. I look forward to continuing to work with Maria


Farouk Alao, Multidisciplinary Artist, Ireland

I was recommended Maria as a Supervisor by a highly respected Coach when I told him about my requirements for 1-2-1 Supervision. He felt that Maria was not only a good fit for me as we both have an art background but her working style, depth and bredth of Coaching experience would be invaluable to me. This has totally been the case. Maria and I have worked together approximately once a month for 6 months. From the outset Maria was friendly, approachable, open and very easy to communicate with. Maria has walked with me along my supervision journey and has been flexible and willing to meander with me but still keeping me on the Supervisor-Coach(ee) path. This has been invaluable for me as my learning style is one of seeing a fragmented whole, I need to see the bigger picture as well as the fine details all at the same time, zooming in and out and many stops in between. Maria has been confident to stay with me and been open when I have asked her direct examples of exercises, theories and methods that may help me with my clients. I was not looking for definitive answers but I was looking for discussion points to reflect upon and learn from, Maria was open to that, never rigid, brittle or closing off avenues of discussion. Some of these exercises changed me as a person and as a coach and has inspired me to want to learn more about the methods we used. I have thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Maria and learnt a great deal from her and our working relationship. I have gained insight through discussion and observing Maria in her quiet, professional yet warm approach. Thank you so much Maria for you time, energy and support I have learnt and grown so much.

Rebekah Sunshine, Sex Coach, Counsellor & Artist

Working with Maria has been enriching for my coaching practice. Maria not only brings a wealth of experience but creates the space for me to reflect on my own work as a coach and I continue to learn more about myself as a practitioner with every session. Maria is a warm and calm presence, yet challenges me where necessary. Her creative approach, as well as therapeutic experience really allows for a dynamic learning environment and a safe space in which I can continue to serve myself and my clients effectively.


Nina Mitchell, Integrative Therapist & Transformational Coach

I’ve been having supervision with Maria for the past six months and I can honestly say it’s made a huge difference to my practice as a coach. Maria is great at holding space & helping me explore my practice with clients. I love the way she works; she is creative, attentive and nurturing. I feel she has helped me understand myself with greater clarity - she’s great at helping unravel the tangled balls of wool in my brain! I also see more clearly how I show up as a coach for my clients. I’d highly recommend Maria as a supervisor


Ruth Haslett, Transformational Coach

"...8 months ago I had no clue about my potential. Today I know it! Thank you Maria and Art of You”


...In only four sessions I was able to move forward from a financial issue that has plagued me for years, literally..."

Maureen, Trader, London

... Oh, yes!! She is so refreshing and gives totally valuable tips to create your own life's masterpiece... Easy, easy, easy!!!"

Insha Berger, Artist & Transformationscoach

...her unconditional love, support and guidance is something I'll be forever grateful for..."

Hollie Sky, Sky Spa Owner, Personal Trainer & Health Coach Wales

"The thought -provoking questions gave me insights I was lacking about how to specifically move towards my goal of making a business with my art... as a commission based artist and art teacher. Very recommended!!!"

Andrew Carson, Artist & Art Teacher, San Francisco

"....Maria is so inspiring and extremely creative and loving. As a coach and art therapist, she guides you to find your true north. Big treasure for those who find themselves stuck in all areas in life. Maria challenges you with extraordinary outside of the box thinking, intuition and tools which give you directions to live your life the way you really want to live!"

Claudia, Spain

Before I started working with Maria, I felt like I was out of balance, I felt like I needed a space to lay out all my conflicting thoughts and feelings, and sort through them with someone who offers a different perspective. I had problems with connecting to people on a personal level (which I desired to do, but didn’t feel like I have the courage to do so) and it effected my career as well, where I felt like I’m not progressing as fast as my peers who can strike up work relationships easier than I do – and hence they have access to better opportunities. I had problems with my self-esteem, I didn’t feel enough (professionally and personally), so I was desperately looking for the MEANING of my self and how I can express it through my work. Maria and I started working on what causes the confidence issues and where do my self-sabotaging beliefs originate from. We clarified what my ideal outcomes would be, how would my ideal self act and feel like and how would I know if I got what I wanted. All these questions brought me closer to the true self I wish to always stay connected to. Working with Maria has shifted my thinking to be more present and future-oriented and instead of indulging in past bad memories, I now feel more capable of using the past as a map – I still can visit those memories but now I can also choose other ways to get where I want to be. That change of focus gave me a huge boost in confidence and a peace of mind that what felt like hard, endless work of self-reflection is now finally coming all together and paying off. I feel much more grounded and connected to myself. Maria is exceptionally good in connecting with people. She has a great sense of finding the language-system to effectively communicate with her client. She was versatile with the methods she was using to break the negative cycle that kept me from moving forward – we tried different things until one of them really worked. I would definitely recommend Maria as a coach, she has been guiding me through my process with kindness and wisdom (both were much needed when I felt lost and confused). Her constant questions of ‘how would I know if I achieved what I wanted’ and ‘what stops me from getting that’, successfully shifted my focus from problems to solutions and kept me empowered – the answers I would give depended on me. How I view my life is fully in my control.

Alex Mill, Film Director, Writer & Sexuality Coach

Maria is such an empathic coach and she holds a very caring space during each session. I felt completely free to explore what I was working through and not once did I feel judged or misunderstood. Maria offered her own valuable insights, which were often 'lightbulb moments' for me as a coachee.

Claire Husselbee, Musician & Transformational Coach

I have tremendous respect for the work that Maria does. Things I learned from her coachings. I can just say that her coachings are awesome, and are helping me understand myself, thank you Maria!!

Radu Artene

Maria has beautiful energy, she's authentic, very warm, compassionate, open- minded and open- hearted. As a coach, she is very supportive and encouraging. She helped me to gain clarity and focus in different areas of my life. Conversations with her helped to open my mind to different possibilities and perspectives. She strikes a good balance between being emotionally supportive and being practical and action- orientated. Using art as a way to process feelings and move through challenging experiences was really useful and it is a tool that I'll continue to use. I am very grateful for the wonderful coaching experience I had with Maria.

Phillippa Lennon, Certified Transformational & Relationships Coach, Holistic Wellbeing, Sound & Energy Therapist

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